Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyler

It was November 29, 1999 and my life was forever changed! This is the day that Tyler Andrew Perry entered my life. What a lot of joy he has brought to me. All of a sudden it wasn't just "this is the world, and it revolves around me". Now it was "this is Tyler, and my world revolves around him.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tag You're It - 7 things

Following in my daughters footsteps:

Seven things I always say-

1. Where are you?
2. Am I fired yet?
3. What's for dinner?
4. Miiiiieeeer! (When calling my cat to come in for the night.)
5. Seriously!?! (things the parents at my school do!)
6. Get a job! (to Sandford)
7. I miss you and want you to come home - to Heather and Nina

Seven things I love to eat-

1. Peanut butter pretzels
2. Carne asada tacos
3. Black licorice
4. Thighs from El Pollo Loco
5. My famous baked beans
6. Ice Cream
7. Grapes

Seven things I can do-
1. Lay tile
2. Type 70 wpm.
3. Use a miter saw
4. Do a darn good job of proofing.
5. Fly and go to the dentist.
6. Make people laugh
7. Drive for 11 hours straight if it means getting to my daughter.

Seven things I can't do-
1. Be sane
2. Be away from my kids.
3. Put the vacuum cleaner back together after I took it all apart!
4. Go more than one day without talking to either Nina or Heather.
5. Drive under 80 mph on the freeway
6. Get to work on time!
7. Make Chris come home from Iraq or Brian move to Colorado with the rest of us!

Now I tag you...feel free to do your own and leave me a comment so I can check out your 7 things.

Things I am thankful for . . . .

1. Jesus (without Him I would have no future)
2. Nina, Heather & Beth
3. That even though we live so far apart from each other, Nina and Heather make sure that I am included in their daily life.
4. That Chris and Brian are wonderful husbands AND fathers.
5. Tyler, Summer, Joshua, Rachel & Ryder - no one can bring a smile quicker to my face.
6. That I finally have less thighs to try and cover up.
7. That I am in relatively good health.
8. That I drive a Honda CRV that is all paid for.
9. That I have the BEST neighbors in the world. (they are friends too!)
10. That I have just enough. Just enough food, just enough money . . .

Thanksgiving 08

This is the first Thanksgiving in 29 years, that I haven't spent with Nina, Heather or Beth. Nina is in Texas preparing a feast for her mother-in-law, Heather is in Virginia at her husband's grandparents house, and Beth is in Arizona with Hal. There was no need, or time, for me to cook a full course meal, so Sandford and I met my mom at Mimi's Cafe in Rancho Cucamonga. The food was just okay. But we did have lots of left overs to bring home so I'm still not gonna cook! Sandford says the only time I cook anymore anyways is if one of my sons-in-law is visiting. Most moms are lucky to get one great son-in-law, but I have TWO. I may be getting a 3rd one in the not so distant future. And can you believe it ? ? ? He is awesome too! How could I get so blessed? All any mother wants for her children is for them to be happy. God provided the perfect mate for each of them. Now if I can just get Sandford to go look for a job, I would be truly happy. (hahaha)