Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not Me Monday

So we went to our friends Art & Michelle's wedding on Saturday. It was a reaffirmation of their wedding vows.

While we were there, Sandford DID NOT get his napkin too close to the candle and catch it on fire! He did not try to put it out with his hands while I poured Coke all over the table. Nope! We would NEVER try to draw attention to ourselves while the bride and groom where cutting the cake! That would be wrong!

When I asked Sandford "What Are You Doing"? He looked at me and said, "Cleaning"????

Just in case you were wondering, NO, this is not one of the favors that was sitting on the table that almost caught on fire too! Nope, that type of thing would be wrong to have happen on such an important day for our friends!

And we wonder why people never invite us over! Huh! I don't get it!

1 comment:

Ryan and Kim said...

Oops! How dare they steal my anniversary!