Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Celebration

Tonight we celebrated Christmas. We tried to make it memorable. I even got out the Christmas plates and set the table with the "good" stuff. No paper plates for the Skadsems tonight! Sandford and Hal "made fire" in the fireplace. (Hal was a huge help to me all day.) We had our traditional Christmas dinner of prime rib. It just wasn't the same without ALL my family here to share. I NEED (not want) to be surrounded by my family. I miss Nina and Heather so much! And like they say, it just doesn't seem like Christmas without kids running around and the look of joy on their little faces when they open up a gift. I am very happy that I will be flying out to Virginia in the morning to be with Heather and her family for the holiday's. But part of me feels so guilty not seeing Nina and her family and also for abandoning my mommy, my husband and Beth. Please keep me in your prayers.

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