Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Sooooo, I'm taking a survey. I'd like to know where you purchase your stamps. Yes, the ones that you put on letters and send in the mail. Hal and I were running errands and I went to Wells Fargo to make a deposit. I was supposed to get stamps when I was there but I forgot. Our next stop was the post office so that he could send a contract back to Disney. As he was dropping the letter in the mail slot, it occurred to me that I forgot to get my stamps while we were at Wells Fargo. We were in Chino Hills and they are right next to each other. Anyway, Hal starts getting all up in my kool-aid and says "Hello, we're at the post office" "Why would you drive across the street to get stamps"? Are you crazy? (If you know me, then you know the answer is yes, I am crazy and a bit insane) So the rest of the day he thinks I've totally lost my mind because I purchase my stamps at the bank. So when Beth comes home from work, we both corner her and tell her we have a random question for her. So Hals asks her where she purchases her stamps . . . and she replies . . . Stater Brothers, duh! So now I'm not looking so dumb after all! So I'd appreciate it if you could leave me a comment letting me know where you purchase your stamps from. Be honest! Thank you all!


kristina16marie said...

I buy my stamps at Sams Club. They actually have big cardboard cutouts with a picture of a stamp on them, so you can it in your cart and not forget. You don't keep the cardboard cutout, it's just one big reminder for you and the checkout person. But if I need stamps and I'm too far from Sams, then I get them at the drive-thru ATM. =) See, it's not weird.

Pam said...

I buy mine from the post office, but do it online through the mail...that way I never have to drag the twins with me to buy them! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'am like Beth I get them at Stater Bros.

Heather said...

How is this a Not Me Monday??? I get my stamps at the post office cuz I spend so much time there mailing Chris packages but I used to get them at the bank :D

Marie Simmons said...
